Miami’s housing market has been on a tear, with prices doubling since 2018.

The rapid rise is part of a larger trend across the country, but it’s been particularly pronounced in Florida. Experts point to investor interest and urban development projects as some of the reasons behind Miami’s booming housing market.

Other markets where home prices have doubled since 2018 include Tampa, Florida; Baltimore, Maryland; and Spokane, Washington.

While the surge in prices has been a boon to some, it’s made it more difficult for middle-income families to afford to buy a home in the city.

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“It’s unaffordable for people to own a home today,” real estate mogul Grant Cardone told Fox Business in December.

Cardone blames the Federal Reserve for killing the housing market with interest rate hikes.

“He [Fed Chairman Jerome Powell] has not controlled inflation,” Cardone said. “He has failed miserably. What he has actually done is created, and in the meantime stopped, the housing industry.”

Nationally, prices have doubled in less than 10 years in 68 of the country’s largest 100 cities, according to a report from Point2. Over the past decade, the average home price in the United States has ballooned from about $200,000 to $400,000. The dramatic rise is fueled by a perfect storm of factors: inflation, limited housing supply and skyrocketing demand.


The situation is even more glaring in cities like Detroit, where as recently as 2019, you could buy a house for $40,000 — half of what homes cost now.

U.S. Cities Where Median Home Prices Doubled Fastest

Detroit4.9 years
Spokane, Washington5.9 years
Tampa, Florida6 years
Miami6 years
Baltimore, Maryland6.1 years
Scottsdale, Arizona6.2 years
Buffalo, New York6.4 years
St. Petersburg, Florida6.6 years
Jersey City, New Jersey6.8 years
Phoenix6.8 years
Gilbert, Arizona6.8 years
Mesa, Arizona6.9 years
Cleveland6.9 years
Charlotte, North Carolina7 years
North Las Vegas, Nevada7 years
Chandler, Arizona7 years
Cincinnati7 years
Boise, Idaho7.1 years
Milwaukee7.1 years
Tucson, Arizona7.1 years


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